Our partnership with Ugly Duck is special in so many ways.
Rory first started on the bar at Joe Bean shortly after me, and we had the opportunity to work together at that time. A fast friendship was nurtured by a mutual love for coffee and passion to continue learning everything we could. Years ago, I was honored to work one of the first regular shifts at Ugly Duck, and I’ve had a number of unique opportunities to serve coffee alongside and on behalf of the team throughout the years.

When I first started roasting and Rory was looking to create UDC’s signature blend, I was honored to work with him on rolling out the Shop Blend. Now a staple in the Rochester coffee scene, Shop Blend is an example of the approachable, consistent side of Specialty Coffee. No surprises here: just a caramelly, chocolaty, and ever-so-smooth cup, perfect for any time of day or any occasion.
Taking our success with Shop Blend to another realm and sourcing a line of Ugly Duck single origin coffees together is our current project, so be on the lookout for those, coming soon.